Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Welcome Iris Grace!

Here are my stat's! I'm a tiny little squirt weighing in at 5 pounds 6 ounces! I've got 19 inches of Williames beautiful bod on me-- though, I am carrying on the tradition of "Bull legs". My Daddy says I have my Mom's gorgeous almond eye... after that he said he was going to the store to pick up a shot gun and some slugs. I'm not sure I get it...

I arrived at 9:55 West coast time on November the 20th'. I am pretty alert and aware for a newborn. When I'm awake my eyes are wide open, just checking stuff out. But since I am such a little gal it doesn't take much for me to get tuckered out. Keep checking my blog in the days to come to see all the new pictures of me! BTW, Mommy is doing well, a bit sore but well! She did an amazing job pushing me out-- I thought the doctor was gonna have to catch me from across the room! Daddy is good too-- he needs to shave though, I'm not sure I'm digging his beard on my subtle flesh. Bye!


Yvette said...

Congratulations Matt & Kristin! Baby Iris is BEAUTIFUL! We wish we could be there to hold her and give her lots of smooches. Henri would like to try carrying her across the room. Cosette would like to crawl over Iris while saying, "Aaaaa! Aaaaa!" (This is love from her cousins.) We love her, and we love you all too! May our LORD Jesus bless your new family. :)

Q/Minkyu said...

Wow Matt! That's amazing. How wonderous...
Babies are pretty amazing. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. Welcome to the world Iris!
congrats again and God bless!

Brian, Susan and Richard Davis said...

Congrats Matt. Thanks for the pics, and God Bless the three of you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Matt & Kristin,

Great Grandma spends her time looking at her namesake. She is beautiful, which pleased ol' Great Grandpa. How thankful we are for this little gift from God. May she grow strong in her love for the Lord Jesus. We are praying for her parents as they learn to live with less sleep.

May God's blessing rest on each of you in the days ahead.


G.G. & Gramps

Matt Williames said...

Thank you all for you wonderful comments! Iris has already proven to be a great source of joy for Kristin and I. It's amazing how much edification has happened in parenting already! Thanks you to you all!

Anonymous said...

Iris is becoming a beautifyl young lady....looks more and more like her great grandpa. Keep that shotgun handy Matt. Does Iris continue to prefer the night life?

G>G & G.Gramps

Anonymous said...

Matt and Kristin - Welcome to The World Iris Grace. You are beautiful in every sense of the word. Hopefully you, Mommy, Daddy can meet little Halle Anne Bradford one of these days. I am sure you will get along famously.
We know everything will go smoothly from here on out aside from the lack of sleep which is typical for both parents. We Love you all........Take Care

Bruce & Nancy G.